I have been a part of the rowing community for eight years. I started as a rower in the seventh grade, and transitioned into being a coxswain the following year. This past year, my team and I won our conference championship, ACCs, for the first time in history. Being a coxswain involves an intense amount of both leadership and organizational skills, which are things I pride myself on greatly. 
Photos from the past two seasons
Princeton Chase Regatta - 2o22
Pictured below is the third varsity 8+ that I coxed my freshman year during our 2022 fall season. We placed first during the second round of the Princeton Chase Regatta, competing against other well-known East Coast Division One women's rowing teams. 
Pictured below is an image of the award that I won, the 'Boss the Course Award', after the 2024 Spring season. 
A quote from one of our coaches on the award: 
"We started awarding boss-the-course shirts in 2016 to make the cox’n’s role more visible on the team and to reward high performers. 
We expect that through your efforts, skill, and decision-making, you make the boat you are driving go faster.  Speed wins in our sport. Your role is to make your boat faster.  You need to put the boat’s success before your interests.  Doing so will help you to ‘earn your seat.’ 

We call this ‘bossing the course.’  Bossing the course means planning, driving and calling with the goal of getting your boat ahead. To boss the course is to position your crew for maximum success.  Being bossy is something you do, not something you say.  It is about out-preparing and out-thinking your opponent. Being bossy has nothing to do with being mean or sneaky or taking undue risks (remember, safety is first).  
Being bossy means that if there is a situation where you sense or see an opportunity for your crew to gain competitive advantage - while following all the rules of safety and competition - then you should!  Being bossy is taking smart chances; pushing the possibilities.  You can be bossy with great humility and graciousness.  If you get bossed, congratulate that cox’n  - and learn from the experience. If you boss someone, enjoy that moment!"
2024 ACC Championship Win
Pictured above is the first time in history where Syracuse Women's Rowing won the ACC Championships, which take place near the end of the spring season each year. We won ACCs for the first time during the 2024 spring season. 
Media Day
Here are some media day pictures from both my sophomore and junior years.

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